American Pipit: Lasalle Marina

Last weekend I shamelessly took a picture of any bird that came within my range of vision.

Colonel Samuel Smith Park, Etobicoke

Much of the usual suspects were present.  I accidentally flushed the Cooper’s hawk, stayed still enough for the American tree sparrows to emerge and held my breath as the red-necked grebe headed ever so close to shore.

Cooper's hawk

Cooper’s hawk

American tree sparrow

American tree sparrow

Red-necked grebe

Red-necked grebe

Lasalle Marina, Burlington

The balance of the photographs were taken at Lasalle Marina, in Burlington. Lately, mornings have been overcast but I find early mornings are best for photographing the waterfowl closer to the shoreline.

The American pipit is a new species for me.

American pipit

American pipit

Am happy to have had opportunity to get either a first or perhaps last glimpse for the season or closer photographs of the following:

Horned grebe

Horned grebe

Eastern screech owl

Eastern screech owl

Common loon

Common loon

Common goldeneye

Common goldeneye

Black-crowned night-heron

Black-crowned night-heron

American coot

American coot

White-breasted nuthatch

White-breasted nuthatch

Trumpeter swan

Trumpeter swan

Song sparrow

Song sparrow

Ruddy ducks

Ruddy ducks

Red-tailed hawk

Red-tailed hawk

Red-bellied woodpecker

Red-bellied woodpecker

Pied-billed grebe

Pied-billed grebe

Northern mockingbird

Northern mockingbird

Male red-breasted merganser

Male red-breasted merganser

Female canvasback

Female canvasback

Male bufflehead

Male bufflehead

Leucistic or domestic mallard

Leucistic or domestic mallard

House finch

House finch

Female hooded mergansers

Female hooded mergansers

Female greater or lesser scaups

Female greater or lesser scaups

European starlings

European starlings

American coots

American coots

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